Order now

Would you like to become part of the RCYL family and ride your bike worry-free?
Then simply order it from us and experience it up close - for just €1,243!

Configure and order your RCYL

Brochure download for private customers

Are you interested in our sustainable plastic bike made from recycled plastic and would like to have all the information summarised in a compact format? Then this brochure is just right for you! Here you can find more information and our solution for healthy, urban mobility with a story behind the bike that no other bike manufacturer offers.

Download the PDF

Brochure download rental

Are you in the tourism sector and work for hotels, campsites, cities, counties or similar? Would you like to buy several RCYL bikes and rent them out to your customers? Then this brochure is just right for you! Here you can get more information about the bike and our solutions for your project.

Download the PDF

Brochure download factory fleet

Do you work in a medium-sized company or a large corporation? Do you want your employees to travel around the company premises efficiently, healthily and sustainably? Then this brochure is just right for you! Here you can get more information about the bike and our solutions for your project.

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